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The visual representations of migrants and refugees across trans-national media constantly portrays them in a negative manner using stereotypes and limited background information in order to frame their stories.



One example of photo journalism intending to reprepresent migrant and refugees in a negiative light is this recent Polish magazine cover.

The cover depicts a white woman wearing the European Union flag being sexually attacked by "migrants."

It is this unfair and false stereotype that is shaping the public opinion on migrants and refugees. By depicting such a graphic image on the cover of a magazine, there is a strong message being sent out into the world that is totally false but being percieved as true because it's in the mainsteam media.

The media needs to present facts, instead of manufacturing an false image both on their covers and in the minds of the public.


The layout and positioning of words such as "crisis" are used to draw the attention of the reader instead of provide an accurate depiction of the news story. By framing the reader's expectations from the very first glance at an article's title, the media manipulates the reception of the public towards that subject. By putting negatives as the focus of news stories, the media is linking everything in that story to the negative connotations associated with words such as "crisis." Instead of provding an open and well-rounded reporting piece, it is set up from the very beginning as a biased report meant to present migrant issues in a negative light.

“It is not just a lack of humanity on the news agenda or a matter of luck or a matter of caring more about some people at the expense of others. We need a broader lens to see what really is going on."
-Jan Egeland
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